
Let's pretend we want to create a plugin called library to manage a list of books.

Create the plugin

Create the plugin using the Yeoman generator. Name it library.

yo openveo-plugin library

Restart server

Each time you modify a plugin conf.js or server sources, you need to restart your server to load your changes. Best practice in developpement is to use a source watcher to reload automatically your server each time you save a file.

You can use Nodemon or PM2


Create an entity

Let's pretend we want to create an entity called books. An entity is a content with built-in CRUD (Create Read Update Delete) operations.

Declare the entity

From the root of the library plugin locate the file conf.js and defines a new entity books:

entities: {
  books: 'app/server/controllers/BooksController'

That's all for the conf.js file. Note that no routes and no permissions need to be created. OpenVeo will create the following HTTP routes for you:

Private HTTP routes :

  • get /be/library/books/:id - Get a particular book
  • get /be/library/books - Get all books
  • post /be/library/books/:id - Update a particular book
  • put /be/library/books - Add a new book
  • delete /be/library/books/:id - Delete a book

Web Service end points :

  • get /library/books/:id - Get a particular book
  • get /library/books - Get all books
  • post /library/books/:id - Update a particular book
  • put /library/books - Add a new book
  • delete /library/books/:id - Delete a book

OpenVeo will also automatically create the following permissions:


An entity must be associated to a controller and a provider. Let's create them.

Create entity controller

Create file app/server/controllers/BooksController.js:

'use strict';

var util = require('util');
var openVeoApi = require('@openveo/api');
var BooksProvider = process.requireLibrary('app/server/providers/BooksProvider.js');

 * Creates a BooksController.
function BooksController(database) {;

module.exports = BooksController;
util.inherits(BooksController, openVeoApi.controllers.EntityController);

 * Gets an instance of the BooksProvider.
 * @method getProvider
 * @return {BooksProvider} The BooksProvider instance
BooksController.prototype.getProvider = function() {
  var database = process.api.getCoreApi().getDatabase();
  return new BooksProvider(database);

// You should consider overriding the following methods from EntityController:
// BooksController.prototype.getEntitiesAction
// BooksController.prototype.getEntityAction
// BooksController.prototype.updateEntityAction
// BooksController.prototype.addEntitiesAction
// BooksController.prototype.removeEntitiesAction

A controller associated to an entity must inherits from EntityController and implements the getProvider method. All routes actions are handled by the EntityController. However it is recommended to override these actions to control incoming request parameters.

Create entity provider

Create file app/server/providers/BooksProvider.js:

'use strict';

var util = require('util');
var openVeoApi = require('@openveo/api');

 * Creates a BooksProvider.
function BooksProvider(database) {, database, 'library_books');

// BookProvider must extend EntityProvider
module.exports = BooksProvider;
util.inherits(BooksProvider, openVeoApi.providers.EntityProvider);

A provider associated to an entity must inherits from EntityProvider. EntityProvider provides methods to interact with the storage to manipulate the entity (CRUD). The EntityProvider expects the database instance as the first parameter. You can get the current database instance using:

var database = process.api.getCoreApi().getDatabase();

EntityProvider expects, as second parameter, the name of the database collection to use for your entity. A best practice is to prefix the collection by the name of the plugin.


Create a public page to display a book

Let's pretend we want to add a public page to display information about a book.

Add the HTTP route to display the book

From the root of the library plugin locate the file conf.js.

module.exports = {
  http: {
    routes: {
      public: {
        'get /books/:id/read': 'app/server/controllers/BooksController.displayBookAction'

Requesting /library/books/1/read will call the displayBookAction method of the BooksController.

As a reminder:

  • public HTTP routes will be mounted on /library/
  • private HTTP routes will be mounted on /be/library/
  • web service routes will be mounted on /library/ (on Web Service's server)

Create the route action

Public route /library/books/:id/read has been configured to call the displayBookAction method of the BooksController. Let's create the displayBookAction method.

Open the app/server/controllers/BooksController.js and add the following code at the end of the file:

 * Displays a book.
BooksController.prototype.displayBookAction = function(request, response, next) {
  var params = null;

  // Validate request parameters
  try {
    params = openVeoApi.util.shallowValidateObject(request.params, {
      id: {type: 'string', required: true}
  } catch (error) {
    return next({
      code: 0x001,
      httpCode: 400,
      module: 'book'

  // Retrieve book
  var booksProvider = this.getProvider();
  booksProvider.getOne(new ResourceFilter().equal('id',, null, function(error, book) {

    // Display template book.html (created on the next step) using Mustache template
    response.render('book', book);



For now our public route /library/books/:id/read isn't working because the displayBookAction method renders a template called book.html which is not created yet. Let's create it.

Create the view

Create a file app/client/front/views/book.html:

<!DOCTYPE html>

For now our public route is still not working because Mustache template engine doesn't know where to find templates. Let's tell him.

Set template's directory

Add the app/client/front/views directory to the list of directories handled by Mustache template engine (in conf.js file):

viewsFolders: [

You can now restart OpenVeo and navigate to /library/books/1/read to display the book of id 1.


Create a back end page to display book information

Let's pretend we want to add a private page (back end page) to display information about a book.

Configure back end menu

As described in conf.js documentation you can add a page to the back end.

Open conf.js file and add a new back end page.

backOffice: {
  menu: [
      weight: -50,
      label: 'LIBRARY.MENU.LIBRARY',
      subMenu: [
          label: 'LIBRARY.MENU.BOOK',
          path: 'library/bookInfo',
          permission: 'library-access-book-page'

We defined a new menu entry for our plugin with label LIBRARY.MENU.LIBRARY (translation id) and a sub menu with one item named LIBRARY.MENU.BOOK (translation id) which requires library-access-book-page permission to see the page. For now there is nothing being the AngularJS route library/bookInfo. Let's create the route.

Add an AngularJS back end route

As OpenVeo back end is written in AngularJS, each plugin has an AngularJS module to create its back end pages.

From the root of the library plugin locate the file app/client/admin/js/ovLibrary/BookApp.js. You can see the AngularJS module corresponding to the plugin. Add the new route:

// Add route /library/bookInfo
$routeProvider.when('/library/bookInfo', {
  templateUrl: '/library/be/views/bookInfo.html',
  controller: 'LibraryBookController',
  access: 'library-access-book-page',
  resolve: {
    book: ['$q', function($q) {
      var p = $q.defer();
        title: 'Journey to the center of the earth',
        summary: 'The story begins in May 1863, in the Lidenbrock house in Hamburg, Germany, with Professor Lidenbrock rushing home to peruse his latest purchase, an original runic manuscript of an Icelandic saga written by Snorri Sturluson ("Heimskringla"; the chronicle of the Norwegian kings who ruled over Iceland).'
      return p.promise;

We defined a new route /library/bookInfo with a template, a controller, a page title and a permission to access the page. Let's create the controller, the template and the title translation.

Add back end page controller

Create a file app/client/admin/js/ovLibrary/BookController.js:

'use strict';

(function(app) {

   * Defines a book controller.
  function BookController($scope, book) {
    $scope.title = book.title;
    $scope.summary = book.summary;

  app.controller('LibraryBookController', BookController);
  BookController.$inject = ['$scope', 'book'];


Open conf.js file and add the newly created file to the list of files to be loaded by OpenVeo:

backOffice: {
  scriptFiles: {
    base: [],
    dev: [

Add back end page template

Create a file assert/be/views/bookInfo.html:

<h1 ng-bind="title"></h1>
<p ng-bind="summary"></p>

Add back end translations

You can translate your back end pages using the back end dictionary called admin-back-office. Core will search for an i18n directory to look for dictionaries.

From the root of the library plugin locate the i18n directory. You can see french and english dictionaries for the back end (i18n/admin-back-office-en.json and i18n/admin-back-office-fr.json).

Add new translations in all languages (i18n/admin-back-office-en.json, i18n/admin-back-office-fr.json etc.):

  "MENU": {
    "LIBRARY": "Library",
    "BOOK": "Book"
  "BOOK": {
    "PAGE_TITLE": "My book page"

Nb : For more information on internationalization please refer to the i18n documentation.