
When generated, the plugin's structure should look like:

├── app // Project's sources
│   ├── client // Client side sources (executed in a browser)
│   │   ├── admin // Client side sources for the back end pages
│   │   │   ├── compass // SCSS files of the back end pages
│   │   │   └── js // JavaScript files of the back end pages
│   │   │       └── ov // All JavaScript files of the plugin's AngularJS module
│   │   └── front // Client side sources for front end pages
│   └── server // Server side sources (executed by Node.js)
│       ├── controllers // Controllers (extending Controller)
│       │   └── httpErrors.js // Holds the list of HTTP errors used by controllers
│       ├── providers // Providers (extending Provider)
│       ├── PLUGIN_NAMEPlugin.js // The plugin class (extending Plugin)
│       └── PLUGIN_NAMEPluginApi.js // The PluginApi class (extending PluginApi)
├── assets // Public directory for static files (mounted on /PLUGIN_NAME/)
│   └── be // Back end pages resources
│       ├── css // Generated CSS files for the back end pages
│       ├── js // Generated JavaScript files for the back end pages
│       └── views // AngularJS partials for the back end pages
├── docs // Markdown documentation of the project
├── i18n // Translation dictionaries
├── migrations // Migration scripts
├── tests // Tests
│   ├── client // Client side tests
│   │   ├── unitTests // Unit tests
│   │   └── e2eTests // End to end tests using protractor
│   └── server // Server side unit tests
├── .eslintrc // Eslint rules
├── .gitattributes // Git attributes configuration file
├── .npmignore // NPM ignore configuration file
├── // Plugin's change logs
├── // Plugin's README
├── conf.js // Plugin's configuration file
├── index.js // Plugin's main file
├── mkdocs.yml // MkDocs configuration file
└── package.json // NPM configuration file

Dive into plugin's files

Plugin's directory

After executing the plugin's generator a directory openveo-PLUGIN_NAME should be available in your workspace.

Plugin's main files

index.js exposes:

  • The Plugin class. If this class does not extend the Plugin class, defined in module @openveo/api, the plugin won't be loaded by the core.

processRequire.js defines:

  • A process.rootPLUGIN_NAME property holding the absolute path of the plugin's root directory which you can use everywhere in your plugin
  • A process.requirePLUGIN_NAME property holding a function to require a Node.js module using a path relative to the plugin's root path. As the root of the application is the core directory using Node.js require function will load a module from the core root directory. Best practice is to use relative path to require a module in your plugin or use the function process.requirePLUGIN_NAME with a path relative to the root of your plugin.

Plugin class

A plugin must have a class which extends Plugin class (defined in module @openveo/api).

Locate file app/server/PLUGIN_NAMEPlugin.js.

PLUGIN_NAMEPlugin.js extends Plugin class and has the following properties:

  • router The express HTTP router holding all public routes of the plugin
  • privateRouter The express HTTP router holding all private routes of the plugin (require a back end authentication)
  • webServiceRouter The express HTTP router holding all Web Service routes of the plugin (require Web Service authentication)
  • api The API exposed, by the plugin, to other plugins (must be an instance of PluginApi)
  • init A method part of the plugin's life cycle, automatically called by the core before starting the servers
  • start A method part of the plugin's life cycle, automatically called by the core after the init step

All these properties are optional.

Plugin API

A plugin can expose APIs to other plugins by creating a class extending the PluginApi class.

Locate file app/server/PLUGIN_NAMEPluginApi.js.

PLUGIN_NAMEPluginApi.js extends PluginApi. All methods and properties will be exposed to other plugins through the api property of the Plugin.


All files inside assets directory are served by the HTTP server as they are. You can put here images, front JavaScript files, CSS files and so on. The core will mount this directory on /PLUGIN_NAME/, thus to access image assets/test.jpg you have to call /PLUGIN_NAME/test.jpg.